Checkout some of these leading organisations that will be at LawFest 25 on 6 March, as they gain practical insights of how they can adapt & thrive in this changing market.
We have over 400 legal professionals already registered !
It is not too late for you to join these leading firms at the legal conference you do not want to miss!
Even if you are from one of these organisations, contact us to see how you can bring multiple people at discounted rates. The more more you register the more you save !
Some of the organisations attending include:
- AcademyEX
- Actionstep
- Aderant
- Advantage
- AlexanderDorrington
- Anderson Lloyd
- Anthony Harper
- Apogee Legal
- AplyID
- Arctic Wolf
- Argyle Welsh Finnigan
- Armstrong Murray
- Artemis Executive Recruitment
- Aspiring Law
- Base Law
- Bespoke & Beyond
- BigHand
- Black Door Law
- BMC Lawyers
- Bramwell Bate Lawyers
- Brookfields
- Buddle Findlay
- Bupa
- Business of Law
- Burton Partners
- By Lawyers
- Carter Atmore Law
- Centre for Legal Innovation
- Chapman Tripp
- Christchurch City Council
- Clio
- College Of Law
- Commerce Commission
- Community Law South Auckland
- Crown Law
- CS Law
- Cuncannon
- Daniel Overton & Goulding
- Dawson Harford
- Denham Bramwell
- Digital Litigation Solutions
- Digimaster
- DK Legal
- Duncan Cotterill
- Dye & Durham
- Elite
- Ellis Gould
- Gibson Sheat
- Family Law Education Network
- Fee Langstone
- First AML
- Fisher Foley
- Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
- Fitzherbert Rowe
- Foley Hughes
- Foodstuffs
- Ford Sumner
- Fortysouth
- Freebairn & Hehir
- Frontline Law
- Gallagher Security
- Gallie Miles
- Gaze Burt
- Gifford Devine
- Gilbert + Tobin
- GoldFynch
- Govett Quilliam
- Grimshaw And Co
- Haigh Lyon
- Hamertons Lawyers
- Hamish Fletcher Law
- Hammonds Law
- Harkness Henry
- Harmos Horton Lusk
- Harvey
- Heimsath Alexander
- Henderson Reeves
- Hornabrook Macdonald
- Hudson Gavin Martin
- InfoGovANZ
- InfoTrack
- Innes Dean
- Insource
- Intapp
- IT Simply
- Ivo
- Juno Legal
- Kinetics
- Lane Neave
- Langley Twigg
- Law Squared
- LawFlow
- Lawlink
- Lawyers With A Life
- LC Consulting
- Le Pine & Co
- Les Mills International
- Lighthouse
- Lockhart Muir
- Lowndes Jordan
- Mahony Horner
- Mallett Partners
- Maritime New Zealand
- Mark Donovan Barrister
- Martelli McKegg
- Mary Technology
- MatterX
- Mayne Wetherell
- MC
- McCaw Lewis
- McGrathNicol
- McDonald Law
- McLay Legal Consulting
- Mee & Henry Law
- MinterEllison
- Mitimes
- Moore Law
- MoranLaw
- MWIS Lawyers
- Naeem Law Associate
- NetDocuments
- Next Page
- New Zealand Law Society
- New Zealand Rugby
- New Zealand Super Fund
- Norling Law
- Norton Rose Fulbright
Discounted Accommodation
- Oneconsult New Zealand
- OneLaw
- Onit
- OptimaTech
- Parliamentary Counsel Office
- People in Legal
- Pidgeon Judd
- Portia
- Purnell Lawyers
- PrivSec Consulting
- Prodonovich Advisory
- Proserve
- Quinn Law
- Realaml
- Resolve Technology
- Reveal
- RSM Law
- Russell Legal
- Russell McVeagh
- Sanderson Weir
- Sainsbury Logan & Williams
- Sandline Global
- Shieff Angland
- SH1FT Ltd
- SHIFT Advisory
- Simpson Grierson
- Smarter Drafter
- Smokeball
- Spinika
- Streamlined Litigation Support
- Tavendale And Partners
- Te Ohu Kaimoana
- TGT Legal
- The BD Ladder
- The Law Association of New Zealand
- The Law Lady
- The Treasury
- Thomson Reuters
- Thomson Wilson
- Tika
- The Small Print Law
- The Treasury
- Tompkins Wake
- TorFX
- T-Shaped Legal
- Turner Hopkins
- University Of Auckland
- University of Canterbury
- University Of Otago
- University Of Waikato
- Ussher Lawyers
- Virtuoso
- vLex
- Vosper Law
- Walker Murdoch Law
- Wellington City Council
- Welsh McCarthy Parker
- Weston Ward and Lascelles
- Willis Legal
- WRMK Lawyers
- Wycane
- Wynn Williams
- Wynyard Wood
- Your Legal
- Zespri
- Zone Law
Register now to join this great line up of organisations.
Again, even if your organisation is attending, contact us to see how you can bring multiple people at discounted rates. The more more you register the more you save !